Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

Representation: A Parliament Within a Parliament

[ This article will use the Canadian Parliamentary system; but keep in mind that the concept I am outlining can be used for the U.K., Australia, the U.S.; indeed, it applies (with the proper modifications) to any democracy in the world).]

Any given riding in Canada includes thousands of voters; and those voters send a representative to Parliament to represent them.

The present system while not perfect has evolved over centuries; we should be grateful we have it, and we are.  However, it has an obvious deficiency; one individual speaks for the multitudes; and he or she often has to toe the party line.  So what can we do about that?  How can we the voters have a say beyond election day?

Before going any further, some qualifications are in order.

Our representative is a member of a team (his political party).  He cannot act alone, for otherwise there will be gridlock, and political paralysis will ensue (the U.S political system with its numerous divisions is a typical example).  Keep that in mind as you read what I am proposing.

I am using the Federal Parliament in my scenario; needless to say, if it works out, the experience gained can be applied at the Provincial and Municipal levels.

The individuals participating in this project will not get paid, they will be volunteers.

The decisions taken by this “Parliament” will not be binding.  Nevertheless, consistently ignoring these secondary decision-makers will be political foolishness.

What I am suggesting has a futuristic element in it.  Ask yourself the question as to whether  we are ready for it now.  Whatever the case, we can at least try it on a small scale (a pilot project). Indeed, that is all I am aiming for at this point in time.

This then what I am proposing:

1) Each MP (Member of Parliament) will randomly select, and list, from his voters’ list, 1000 individuals.  This original list will be perused to select 100 persons willing to serve; this second list will include a cross-section of the population:  Engineers, doctors, lawyers, managers, laborers, housewives, retirees, retail clerks, and so on.  In turn, the 100 voters will be divided into 10 groups, and each of these groups will meet, say, once a week, on the weekend.

2) What will be discussed?  Problems affecting Canadians in general, and their riding in specific. Notes and a summary of decisions taken will be prepared.  Who will lead?  A chairman will be selected by the group, and that person can be rotated.  A quorum of at least 5 attendees will be required.

3) A working group will review the work carried out by the 10 groups, summarize it, prepare a report which in effect reflect the will of the riding’s parliament.

4) Each MP is now armed with the will of the people of her riding! And she is now standing on solid ground when suggesting changes to her caucus.

This then is the outline of what is required to create proper representation; needless to say, my proposal is at an embryonic stage; a lot more work and experience will be required for it to become viable.

Presently, we are represented by 308 MP’s all singing from the same songbooks, the one provided by their respective parties!  This is no way to govern ourselves.

The riding parliaments will provide us with the views of 3080 groups; and a wealth of ideas which are not influenced by political career considerations.

We need new ideas, narrow representation has served us poorly.

The corporate world has used brain storming for decades; and often during those sessions, a participant is brilliantly inspired; his idea while still “raw” will be developed and solve a problem that has so far proved intractable; or even give birth to a new product or service.

The 21st century corporate world is thriving thanks to what appeared at the onset as far-fetched propositions.  Isn’t time time we start governing ourselves in the same manner?

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