Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

The Second Exodus – Egypt – CXXI. Alexandria – My Vacations (7 of 10)

When I turned 14, circumstances beyond my control wrecked the idyllic vacations I had so far enjoyed.

First of all, neither my cousins nor myself were interested in the activities we had so relished as children. Second, my cousin Michel had left for Israel; therefore, a beloved cousin and companion was out of the picture. Finally, Micho, Gasty (who was not even 12!), and Roger had discovered girls; all their talk was now about the other half of humanity, the very same gender who until recently was despised.

In my case, I was two steps behind the rest of the crowd (that’s been the story of my life!). I still had no interest whatsoever in the fair sex. Indeed they were now playing the role of the spoiler.

One day, I went to Rue Hehia to, as usual, go to the beach. Only tante Renee was home. My grandmother and aunt Rachel had been invited by relatives. Worse still, Micho and Gasty were nowhere to be seen. Renee informed me that they had gone out with friends. She then added quietly, “girl-friends.”

I was crushed, I ran to the balcony to hide my tears. After a while, my aunt joined me, she didn’t say anything, but she no doubt felt my pain and had tears in her eyes.

Ultimately, the day didn’t prove to be a write-off, for shortly thereafter the bell rang, and in walked Roger. I had not totally been forsaken after all.

During lunch, uncle Maurice suggested that I go to parties with my cousins; this will slowly acquaint me with the way of “the girls.” I was uncomfortable with the whole thing. At a certain point, Roger cleared his throat and smiled; it was his way of saying, “leave it with me.”

As you’ve been informed, Roger succeeded in getting me to mix with “the barbarians.” It was to be “on my own terms.” Even then it took me one year to accept an invitation to a party.

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