Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

The Second Exodus – Egypt – XLII. My Years at 12A Rue Khantaret Ghamra – My Parents (2 of 2)

My father

Dad loved children. When he got married his mother said: “God forbid that this man is left childless.” He never faced this ordeal; when I was born, he proved, at least at the beginning, an attentive father. He played with me and taught me many things. Once he opened his business, he became more nervous and more stressed. Would he have been a more relaxed person had he continued working in the bank? I believe so. On balance, however, I think that owning his own business was a challenge he would not have wanted to miss.

Nisso loved knowledge for its own sake. He only finished grade 9 and then went to work. In high school, and later in university, he asked me questions on a variety of subjects. As long as I kept my answers simple, he was able to understand me.

He read the French newspapers at home, and Arabic newspapers at work; Al Ahram and Akbar El Yom were his favorites. He didn’t buy them, he simply borrowed them from other merchants in Hamzaoui. Often, he was told to keep the borrowed newspapers and magazines, and he brought them home. In time, I started reading them and slowly began to better understand my native country. My favorite was Rose El Youssef. I should point out that the French newspapers provided us with basic news only; in-depth analysis was almost non-existent.

Dad was a voracious reader. Many of the books I brought from the school library were read by him first; and many an argument followed when we both wanted to read the same book at the same time!

Heaven for Nisso was a place where poker games were continually taking place!  Early on, we had neighbors who espoused the same “religious” beliefs. The Ovadia family could organize a poker game at a moment’s notice. Dad, needless to say, was on the best of terms with those neighbors! I loved it when he played poker for two reasons.

I enjoyed – at least for a while – sitting by his side and watching him play. I quickly understood the rules of the game. Whether he had a good or a bad hand, I didn’t show any emotions. After the cards were distributed, the other players looked at me, all they got for their efforts was a poker face! Eventually, they gave up on me.

I often told myself that when I will grow up, I would play poker like my daddy. But I care not a whit for any kind of gambling, and it never happened. At my age, I don’t think it will come to pass!

Did I mention that if Nisso won, he was met with outstretched hands (mom, Robert, and me)? He was expected to share his winnings and he gladly did so. The truth was that even when he lost, we expected a small consolation prize!

My parents

Three of their attributes had a great impact on me and helped shape the person I am today:

1. A love of knowledge which can never be satisfied. I always want to expand my horizons and learn more. An additional bonus: with the internet, I can now share my knowledge with my readers.

2. The ability to always keep an open mind. That particular quality helped me in accepting The Urantia Book and its teachings. (The story repeated itself with my brother who is an assiduous reader and follower of the teachings of the Book). In turn, I was able to enlighten those readers who read on my site “The Third Article of Faith” and “The Sublime Adventure.”

3. My mother served small portions. From a health view- point, this was invaluable, for like the French say: “We dig our grave with a fork.” But it doesn’t stop at food; I avoid excesses in everything, examples: drink, clothing, and so on.

My parents have now passed away. My father died in May 1973 at the young age of 62. My mother died in December 1993. She was 81.

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