Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

The Sublime Adventure – LIII. Havona (8 of 10)

The Father Guides

When a seeking soul attains the third circuit of Havona, he
is guided by the Father guides, the older, highly skilled, and
most experienced of the superaphic ministers. “On the worlds of
this circuit the Father guides maintain schools of wisdom and
colleges of technique wherein all the beings inhabiting the
central universe serve as teachers.”

“The attainment of the Universal Father is the passport to
eternity, notwithstanding the remaining circuits to be traversed.
It is therefore a momentous occasion on the pilot world of circle
number three when the transit trio announce that the last venture
of time is about to ensue; that another creature of space seeks
entry to Paradise through the portals of eternity.”

“The test of time is almost over; the race for eternity has
been all but run. The days of uncertainty are ending; the
temptation to doubt is vanishing; the injunction to be perfect
has been obeyed. From the very bottom of intelligent existence
the creature of time and material personality has ascended the
evolutionary spheres of space, thus proving the feasibility of
the ascension plan while forever demonstrating the justice and
righteousness of the command of the Universal Father to his lowly
creatures of the worlds: ‘Be you perfect, even as I am perfect'”

“Step by step, life by life, world by world, the ascendant
career has been mastered, and the goal of Deity has been
attained. Survival is complete in perfection, and perfection is
replete in the supremacy of divinity. Time is lost in eternity;
space is swallowed up in worshipful identity and harmony with the
Universal Father. The broadcasts of Havona flash forth the space
reports of glory, the good news that in every truth the
conscientious creatures of animal nature and material origin
have, through evolutionary ascension, become in reality and
eternally the perfected sons of God.” [P294 & 295].

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