Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

What Women Want – XX. Shopping (1 of 5)

When you’re teaching a child to read, you start with the
alphabet.  To understand the psychology behind the female
shopper, you start with these two basic principles:

1. Women do not buy on the basis of need only.  They shop because it provides them with a rush.  Contrast that with a man
who goes to a store because he needs to buy specific items.

2. A woman shops when she is happy, to celebrate.  She shops
when she is down, to relieve her depression.  But since material
things do not help for long, she needs to go out and shop again!
Joyous occasions and difficult situations are part of life.
Therefore, it is a loop.  She is condemned to continually do
that.  When does it stops?  When she is too old to care, or if
she doesn’t have the money.

According to a study, women will spend more than eight years
of their lives shopping.  So what does that make them?

Master of the marketplace

Women are the undisputed master of the marketplace.  They
buy their own clothing, their cosmetics, groceries, cleaning
products, their children’s clothing, often their husband’s
clothing, furnitures, the small niceties of life such as flowers,
and the big ticket items such as cars (which are no longer a male
domain).  We should not forget services such as hair and beauty
care, dry cleaning, and home renovations.  Did I forget anything?
I probably just scratched the surface.  The myriads of goods and
services purchased by women defy compilation!

(Buying the “exciting” stuff, the “amazing finds,”  or as I
like to call it, “The Thrill of the Chase,” is covered

For over a century, the advertising world has recognized
that the customers who mattered the most were women.  For
decades, the statisticians have reported that 80% of all retail
purchases are made by women.  By 1988, this figure had risen to
85%.  With women’s earnings continuing to rise, how far can that
percentage go?

The thrill of the chase

Surveys have indicated that women get some kind of “high”
from shopping.  Actually, just planning and anticipating buying
something they desire give them a good feeling.  Some call it
“retail therapy.”  (I am totally at a loss here.  When I have to
buy things like clothing, I procrastinate for weeks.  When this
dreadful chore is finally behind me, you will see me coming out
of the store smiling from ear to ear!  How can this extra shot of
testosterone to the male foetus make such a big difference?!)

I mentioned that women will spend more than 8 years of their
lives shopping.  What is the breakdown?  I am providing you with
the website.  Do go there and read it.  If you’re a male, I can
already see you shaking your head in amazement.

Other astonishing statistics follow.

1. Women will go window shopping about 51 times a year; you
might call it “to spot their prey!”

2. 3 out of 4 young women think about shopping nearly as
often as a young man will think about sex.

If we accept this analogy, shopping is constantly on their

3. 3 out of 5 women referred to themselves as shoe and bag
“addicts.”  The thoughts of more than 1 in 10 were on accessories
or make-up.

4. A financial squeeze will not stand in the way of a
shopping spree, with 62% saying they will use their credit card
and 8% are even prepared to use funds set aside for the rent or

5. Nearly a quarter were willing to pay a princely sum for
an item they desired, and – wait till you hear this – more than a
third will buy it in 3 or more colors.  (Why?)

6. Those surveyed indicated that on average they spent 30%
of their annual income on clothes.

7. Once the “must have” item has been purchased, female
shoppers will be chasing the next shopping rush.

8. Nearly half of those women don’t wear everything in their
wardrobe, 1 in 10 becomes bored with a new item after a short
period of time.

9. Many women prefer to shop alone; the husband is left
behind.  They blamed it on the man’s “bad behavior” which
included refusing to even enter the store!

The above is based on a mix of surveys in England.  The
website I am providing you with, will provide you with more

A personal view:  The above seems exaggerated.  Do people
give accurate responses to survey questions?  Sometimes I wonder.

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