Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

The Sublime Adventure – XLIV. The Sectors and the Superuniverse (2 of 3)

The Major Sector

The name of our major sector is Splandon, and the capital is
Umajor the fifth. The headquarters sphere is surrounded by the
seventy spheres of the advancing intellectual training of the

A major sector is governed by three Perfections of Days.
They rule as the immediate and personal vicegerents of the
Ancient of Days. The work of the major sectors governments is
mainly concerned with the intellectual status of a far-flung

“As the magnificent satellites of Uversa are concerned with
your final spiritual preparation for Havona, so are the seventy
satellites of Umajor the fifth devoted to your superuniverse
intellectual training and development. From all Orvonton here
are gathered together the wise beings who labor untiringly to
prepare the mortals of time for their further progress towards
the career of eternity.”

These triune rulers are peculiarly perfect in the mastery of
administrative details, hence their name – Perfections of Days.
They need not all be present on their sector at the same time.
From time to time one of them may travel to Uversa to confer in
person with the Ancients of Days concerning the welfare of the

The Perfections of Days have a small number of Higher
Personalities such as Divine Counselors, Perfectors of Wisdom,
and Universal Censors attached to their governments. Most of the
routine work, however, is carried out by the Celestial Guardians
and the High Son Assistants.

Early on you will see these glorified rulers when you
graduate to the headquarters of Splandon after your sojourn on
the worlds of your minor sector. They closely supervise the 70
major sector worlds of higher training. And they personally
administer the group pledges to the graduates of the major sector

“Although you are entered upon the registry of the major
sector of Splandon, which embraces the local universe of your
origin, you will have to pass through every one of the ten major
divisions of our superuniverse. You will see all thirty of the
Orvonton Perfections of Days before you reach Uversa.” [P174,
181, 210 & 211].

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