Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

What Women Want – XVIII. Must be Interesting (2 of 3)

6. Do not get carried away if both of you share a common

I met two ladies who love opera.  Indeed, one of them was
the sister of a well-known soprano!  I could have spend my time
with them exploring the myriad facets of the operatic world, for
I am totally besotted with what I consider the highest form of
art.  Who sang what and when?  Which are the greatest arias?
Favorite composers?  What would have happened if such a promising
talent such as Bellini wouldn’t have died so young?  Would there
have been enough masterpieces to perform if Verdi would have died
young or, heaven forbid, would have never been born?

Yes, we did talk of opera.  But despite the temptation, it
was not the only item on the menu.  One of these ladies, a much
younger, and devastatingly beautiful woman was in the fashion
business.  Since at the time, I was researching the topic
(fashion) for my book, I managed to talk intelligently about her
occupation.  Where we disagreed, was the fact that she considered
fashion as a woman’s ally, whereas, I considered it as a foe of
womanhood.  And, no, I am sure that this difference of opinion
was not the reason why I never got a second date!

7. Many men consider an attractive woman as an assembly of
great body parts!  That’s true even for some mature men.  A woman
is a bona fide human being, not a sex object.  On a first date,
and thereafter, treat her with respect.

If you’re going to compliment her, do so subtly.  Start with
the clothes, and move on to the hair, and on to the face.  And
for heaven’s sake, leave the curves alone until such time …

8. Most men tend to overreact when they spot an attractive
woman.  But women are looking for a man who can differentiate
himself from the rest of the crowd.  Therefore, stop acting like
a child in a toy store.  Steal a page from womanhood:  Keep
slightly aloof if you want to intrigue the lady in question.  Do
not be an open book, you leave nothing for her to explore.

9. Do not come across as being desperate (even if you are)

Most women are caring and are willing to help.  But that’s
all you’ll get from them.  You’ve in effect killed any chance for

One of the women I met, told me that she previously had a
date with an engineer who had recently separated.  At the end of
the date, he proposed to her!  After recovering from her
surprise, she gently turned him down; she also suggested a
cooling-down period before he dates again.

This is plain common sense:  If you’re recently separated or
widowed, do not date until you’re ready to do so.  Trust me, you
will know when the time is right.

10. If by now you have concluded that to be interesting to
women you have to be a “mix,” you’ve reached the right

This point was made at the beginning, but it’s important
enough to reiterate it one more time.

A woman is like an exam, you know you’ve passed only when
you get the results.  No matter how much you’ve kept the interest
of the lady, the outcome is by no mean certain.

If you don’t believe me, read on.

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