Equal Partners
by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners by Roland Ezri

Equal Partners

By Roland Ezri

"Women are the backbone of all societies. They do a substantial part of the work, and play a major role in raising the future generation yet they are largely powerless. The decisions that count are made by men and foisted upon women."

Writings by Roland Ezri

The Sublime Adventure – LXXI. The Supreme Being (5 of 7)

“If all grand universes should ever relatively achieve the
full living of the will of God, then would the time-space
creations be settled in light and life, and then would the
Almighty, the deity potential of Supremacy, become factual in the
emergence of the divine personality of God the Supreme.”

“When an evolving mind becomes attuned to the circuits of
cosmic minds, when an evolving universe becomes stabilized after
the pattern of the central universe, when an advancing spirit
contacts the united ministry of the Master Spirits, when an
ascending mortal personality finally attunes to the divine
leading of the indwelling Adjuster, then has the actuality of the
Supreme become real by one more degree in the universes; then has
the divinity of Supremacy advanced one more step toward cosmic

“The Supreme is the beauty of physical harmony, The truth of
intellectual meaning, and the goodness of spiritual value. He is
the sweetness of true success and the joy of everlasting
achievement. He is the oversoul of the grand universe, the
consciousness of the finite cosmos, the completion of finite
reality, and the personification of Creator-creature experience.
Throughout all future eternity God the Supreme will voice the
reality of volitional experience in the trinity relationships of
Deity.” [P1278].

“The evolving divine nature of the Supreme is becoming a
faithful portrayal of the matchless experience of all creatures
and of all Creators in the grand universe. In the Supreme,
creatorship and creaturehood are at one; they are forever united
by that experience which was born of the vicissitudes attendant
upon the solution of the manifold problems which beset all finite
creation as it pursues the eternal path in quest of perfection
and liberation from the fetters of incompleteness.” [P1279].

“There will come an end sometime to the growth of the
Supreme; his status will achieve completion (in the energy-spirit
sense). This termination of the evolution of the Supreme will
also witness the ending of creature evolution as a part of
Supremacy. What kind of growth may characterize the universes of
outer space, we do not know. But we are very sure that it will
be something very different from anything that has been seen in
the present age of the evolution of the seven superuniverses. It
will undoubtedly be the function of the evolutionary citizens of
the grand universe to compensate the outer-spacers for this
deprivation of the growth of Supremacy.” [P1280].

“The human personality can truly destroy individuality of
creaturehood, and though all that was worthwhile in the life of
such a cosmic suicide will persist, these qualities will not
persist as an individual creature. The Supreme will again find
expression in the creatures of the universes but never again as
that particular person; the unique personality of a nonascender
returns to the Supreme as a drop of water returns to the sea.”
[P1283 & 1284].

“The great challenge that has been given to mortal man is
this: Will you decide to personalize the experiencible value
meanings of the cosmos into your own evolving selfhood? or by
rejecting survival will you allow these secrets of Supremacy to
lie dormant, awaiting the action of another creature at some
other time who will in his way attempt a creature contribution to
the evolution of the finite God? But that will be his
contribution to the Supreme, not yours.” [P1284].

“And so the decision awaits each of you as it once awaited
each of us: Will you fail the God of time who is so dependant
upon the decisions of the finite mind? will you fail the Supreme
personality of the universes by the slothfulness of animalistic
retrogression? will you fail the great brother of all creatures,
who is so dependant on each creature? can you allow yourself to
pass into the realm of the unrealized when before you lies the
enchanting vista of the universe career – the divine discovery of
the Paradise Father and the divine participation in the search
for, and the evolution of, the God of Supremacy?” [P1285].

“When the creature submits to the will of the Creator, he
does not submerge or surrender his personality; the individual
personality participants in the actualization of the finite God
do not lose their volitional selfhood by so functioning. Rather
are such personalities progressively augmented by participation
in this great Deity adventure; by such union with divinity man
exalts, enriches, spiritualizes, and unifies his evolving self to
the very threshold of supremacy.” [P1285 & 1286].

“Man can discover the Father in his heart, but he will have
to search for the Supreme in the hearts of all other men; and
when all creatures perfectly reveal the love of the Supreme, then
will he become a universe actuality to all creatures. And this
is just another way of saying that the universes will be settled
in light and life.” [P1290].

“Men do not find the Supreme suddenly and spectacularly as
an earthquake tears chasms into the rocks, but they find him
slowly and patiently as a river quietly wears away the soil

“When you find the Father, you will find the great cause of
your spiritual ascent in the universes; when you find the
Supreme, you will discover the great result of your career of
Paradise progression.”

“But no God-knowing mortal can ever be lonely in his journey
through the cosmos, for he knows that the Father walks beside him
each step of the way, while the very way he is traversing is the
presence of the Supreme.” [P1291].

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